Samsad English-Bengali dictionary : with supplement for new words/new meanings 1980-2005 / By Sailendra Biswas; S C Sen Gupta; Sudhangshukumar Sengupta; Birendramohan Dasgupta; Samik Banerjee - 5th ed. - Kolkata : Sahitya Samsad, 2010, ©2006. - 1992p. ; 22 cm

Includes indexes.

The Samsad English Bengali Dictionary, closing in on fifty years, has grown over the years to accumluate a formidable vocabulary, with essential advice on usage and pronunciation, offering Bengali users and readers of English an essential guide to use, reading and translation. In its latest issue it includes a long supplement covering new words and new uses of old words evident in English in the last few decades. Appendices include abbreviations in frequent use, international measures and weight, monetary units of various countries and a long list of Bengali equivalents of English administrative terminology.


Bengali language --English.--Dictionaries

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