Cambridge IELTS.

Cambridge IELTS. examination papers from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations : English for speakers of other languages. 7 : IELTS 7 IELTS examination papers with answers - Cambridge : New York : Cambridge University Press, c2009. - 176 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. - Cambridge books for Cambridge exams .

"Official examination papers from University of Cambridge ESOL examinations"--Cover. Spine title: IELTS examination papers with answers. Cover title: Official examination papers from University of Cambridge ESOL examinations :IELTS 7.

9780521739177 (Student's bk. w/ ans.) 0521739179 (Student's bk. w/ ans.) 9780521739184 (CD set) 0521739187 (CD set) 9780521739191 (Self study pack) 0521739195 (Self study pack)


International English Language Testing System.
English language--Textbooks for foreign speakers.
English language--Examinations, questions, etc.

PE1128 / .C3283 2009

428.24076 / IEL 2009

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